Edward Zitron

Edward Zitron

39 posts

Godot Isn't Making it

Before we get going — please enjoy my speech from Web Summit, Why Are All Tech Products Now Shit? I didn’
Edward Zitron 23 min read

Lost In The Future

Soundtrack: Post Pop Depression - Paraguay I haven't wanted to write much in the last week. Seemingly every
Edward Zitron 17 min read

The Cult of Microsoft

Soundtrack: EL-P - Flyentology At the core of Microsoft, a three-trillion-dollar hardware and software company, lies a kind of social
Edward Zitron 20 min read

Requiem for Raghavan

Last week, Prabhakar Raghavan was relieved of duty as Senior Vice President of Search, becoming Google's "Chief
Edward Zitron 7 min read

The Other Bubble

Buried in the 8000 words I wrote last week was a worrying story — that Microsoft considered drastic measures to free
Edward Zitron 31 min read

Monopoly Money

Last week, in the midst of the slow, painful collapse of the generative AI hype cycle, something incredible happened. On
Edward Zitron 26 min read

Burst Damage

Soundtrack: Masters of Reality - High Noon Amsterdam I have said almost everything in this piece in every one of
Edward Zitron 34 min read

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